Working principle of excavator bucket
Источник: Hamac Machinery
The effect of excavator buckets in our lives is very huge, but many people don't know what the working principle of excavator buckets is?
The working principle of the shovel type single-bucket excavator electric shovel is to use the bucket fixed on the bucket to use the thrust effect generated by the pushing organization to cut the bucket into the rock and use the strength of the organization to improve the bucket. The handle rolls around the push shaft. Under the effect of pushing pressure and increasing force, the bucket is filled with the bucket, and then the bucket is turned down. Driven by the pick-up organization, the bucket reaches the position of the transport vehicle for unloading, so that the goods that have been punctured can be loaded. Get into the car.
The working principle of the shovel type single-bucket excavator electric shovel is to use the bucket fixed on the bucket to use the thrust effect generated by the pushing organization to cut the bucket into the rock and use the strength of the organization to improve the bucket. The handle rolls around the push shaft. Under the effect of pushing pressure and increasing force, the bucket is filled with the bucket, and then the bucket is turned down. Driven by the pick-up organization, the bucket reaches the position of the transport vehicle for unloading, so that the goods that have been punctured can be loaded. Get into the car.

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