What are the functional classifications of excavator buckets according to working conditions?
Источник: Hamac Machinery
Excavator buckets are also divided into earthmoving buckets, rock buckets, soil loosening buckets, ditches buckets, sifting buckets, grab buckets, cleaning buckets, crooked buckets, etc. according to the function of working conditions.
Earthmoving bucket: generally used for light work environment such as excavation of clay and loading of sand, soil and gravel. The bucket mouth has a larger area and a larger stacking surface, so it has a higher filling factor; it saves working time and has high efficiency.
Rock bucket: used for the excavation of hard rocks, sub-hard rocks, and weathered rocks in the soil; heavy operations such as loading hard rocks and explosive ore. High-strength wear-resistant steel, better excavation function and more economical.
Soil loosening bucket: used for construction work in hard soil or frozen soil. Generally, it has single or multiple teeth. The bucket teeth are sharp and easy to break the soil.
Ditch bucket: It is suitable for the excavation of various shapes of ditches. The ditches are excavated and formed at one time without trimming, and the work efficiency is high.
Earthmoving bucket: generally used for light work environment such as excavation of clay and loading of sand, soil and gravel. The bucket mouth has a larger area and a larger stacking surface, so it has a higher filling factor; it saves working time and has high efficiency.
Rock bucket: used for the excavation of hard rocks, sub-hard rocks, and weathered rocks in the soil; heavy operations such as loading hard rocks and explosive ore. High-strength wear-resistant steel, better excavation function and more economical.
Soil loosening bucket: used for construction work in hard soil or frozen soil. Generally, it has single or multiple teeth. The bucket teeth are sharp and easy to break the soil.
Ditch bucket: It is suitable for the excavation of various shapes of ditches. The ditches are excavated and formed at one time without trimming, and the work efficiency is high.

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