DHBT60-13-129 Diesel Concrete Pump Delivery to Cucuta Columbia
On August 16, 2019, a DHBT60-13-129 diesel concrete pump was sent to the port of Cartagena, Colombia. The equipment's end-use location is Cúcuta, an important commercial city in the north on Colombia's border with Venezuela and the busiest international border in South America.
The client is a construction company with over 30 years of experience in the development of large-scale high-rise residential projects.
By understanding the residential projects contracted by this company, we know that these residential buildings are basically below 30 floors, so we recommend HAMAC DHBT60-13-129, which can fully meet the needs.
In addition to several Chinese companies participating in the quotation, Schewing also sent the offer. In the end, we HAMAC are very honored to get the order. Thanks for the customer's approval.

Нет самой низкой цены, есть только более низкая цена. Ты получаешь то, за что платишь. Мы надеемся, что вы ищете оборудование с идеальными рабочими характеристиками, а не дешевые товары низкого качества. HAMAC предоставляет нашим клиентам только высококачественные машины. Желаю сотрудничества с вами в будущем.