48m Truck Mounted Concrete Boom Pump Delivery To Cayman Islands
Источник: Hamac Machinery
This pump truck should have been delivered at the end of last year. It delayed because of the covid-19. As soon as the situation got better in Cayman, we started the shipment arrangement. Since the pump truck is very large in size, cannot be loaded in frame container, it had to be shipped on ROLL-ROLL vessel departing from SHANGHAI and will transfer from Jamaica.
This client started consulting the pump truck in 2016. After the 4 years' of analysis and comparison , he finally signed the contract with HAMAC. This is the greatest affirmation and expectation in the quality and service of HAMAC. Let's wait and see, HAMAC never let you down.

Нет самой низкой цены, есть только более низкая цена. Ты получаешь то, за что платишь. Мы надеемся, что вы ищете оборудование с идеальными рабочими характеристиками, а не дешевые товары низкого качества. HAMAC предоставляет нашим клиентам только высококачественные машины. Желаю сотрудничества с вами в будущем.
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