HMC400 Self-loading mobile concrete mixer was sent to Peru
Источник: Hamac Machinery
On 19th, April, 2021, one unit HMC400 Self-loading mobile concrete mixer was sent to Peru.
It is the first time for this client-Mr. Christian to purchase our equipment, but his friend bought this machine one year ago, and Mr. Christian saw the self-loading mixer working in Peru, he like it, so he asked our company website address from his friend.
In the process of our talking, he want to buy the machine same as his friend, I told him we have been upgraded this machine, and make a comparison between the 2021 new version and 2019 old version from all aspects. He told me his company will need 2 units, but he will buy one unit to try the machine firstly, if the work performance well, the second order will follow, I can totally understand him, but we have been in this field for many years, we have confident in our products. Our discussion is smooth, he placed the order no hesitate. After receiving the deposit, our factory started the production. Now, this machine has been delivered, hope Mr. Christian receive this equipment and put into useas soon as possible. Looking forward his feedback.
The companies who owns good reputation in the market is from their good quality, but not the lower price.
HAMAC provides our clients with the top quality machines in China.
It is the first time for this client-Mr. Christian to purchase our equipment, but his friend bought this machine one year ago, and Mr. Christian saw the self-loading mixer working in Peru, he like it, so he asked our company website address from his friend.
In the process of our talking, he want to buy the machine same as his friend, I told him we have been upgraded this machine, and make a comparison between the 2021 new version and 2019 old version from all aspects. He told me his company will need 2 units, but he will buy one unit to try the machine firstly, if the work performance well, the second order will follow, I can totally understand him, but we have been in this field for many years, we have confident in our products. Our discussion is smooth, he placed the order no hesitate. After receiving the deposit, our factory started the production. Now, this machine has been delivered, hope Mr. Christian receive this equipment and put into useas soon as possible. Looking forward his feedback.
The companies who owns good reputation in the market is from their good quality, but not the lower price.
HAMAC provides our clients with the top quality machines in China.

Нет самой низкой цены, есть только более низкая цена. Ты получаешь то, за что платишь. Мы надеемся, что вы ищете оборудование с идеальными рабочими характеристиками, а не дешевые товары низкого качества. HAMAC предоставляет нашим клиентам только высококачественные машины. Желаю сотрудничества с вами в будущем.
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