Баннер статьи о бетоносмесительном заводе HAMAC

YHZS100 mobile concrete batching plant in Argentina

Client works for a joint venture company local, the company decided to have a portable while bigger plant to suit their own request, After communicating with us about the capacity and other, so we recommended him the biggest mobile concrete batching plant we have at production, the YHZS100 mobile concrete batching plant, this plant adopts SICOMA concrete mixer and all standard concrete batching plant configuration, and additionally the client asked for 2 sets of silo, totally full package.
This is a plant is a standard plant equipped with full mobile concrete batching system, the aggregates, sand, additives, water and cement will be discharged into the concrete mixer, after all the material is full of the concrete mixer. The mixer starts to mix, when it is the set time, the ready mix will put into the waiting mixer trucks, then to different working sites. 

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Email:sales@hamacchina.com WhatsApp:+8615136236223

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