Баннер статьи о бетоносмесительном заводе HAMAC

HZN50 concrete batching plant in Kuwait

This is a concrete batching plant in Kuwait erected in 2017. It was designed for supplying the concrete to the precast concrete product. In order to get a better mixed concrete, we recommend our client with this concrete mixing plant with planetary concrete mixer which is an ideal product for the semi dry concrete. Most of the clients who are professional on pre-cast concrete product such as concrete block, precast beam, bridge etc, they will choose the planetary concrete mixer to produce the concrete.

HZN50 concrete mixing plant with cement silo

HZN50 concrete mixing plant with cement silo

Concrete transit mixer to transport the concrete for sale

Concrete transit mixer to transport the concrete for sale

Detailed information of this concrete batching plant for sale:

Nominal capacity: 50m3/h; Aggregate batching machine: 3*8m3 ; Central mixer: MPC1000 German tech. planetary concrete mixer; Cement silo: bolted type, 50 tons ; Control Mode: Full automatic; Discharging height:4000mm.

Why choose vertical shaft planetary concrete mixer?

1. Convective transmission system, the rotation direction of mixing is opposite to the rotation direction of the whole set of mixing device. During the mixing process, there are both circular motion and convective motion, so that the mixing is more sufficient;
2. High efficiency, and lower power consumption;
3. When the same material ratio is used, the mixing time is shortened by 15-20% compared with the traditional vertical shaft planetary concrete mixer;
4. No-load current and load current are 15-20% lower than traditional concrete planetary mixers.

Side view of concrete batch mix plant in Kuwait

Side view of concrete batch mix plant in Kuwaitr

Prepare foundation on site concrete batching plant

Prepare foundation on site concrete batching plant

Если вы хотите посетить этот проект на месте или связаться с нашим клиентом, чтобы проверить производительность машины, пожалуйста, свяжитесь с нами:
Email:sales@hamacchina.com WhatsApp:+8615136236223

Рекомендовать дело

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Объединяя исследования и разработки, производство, распространение и предоставление услуг в одном предприятии, HAMAC придает большое значение общению с клиентами. Мы создали группу послепродажного обслуживания, состоящую из более чем 56 человек. С одной стороны, своевременно решают проблемы, с которыми сталкиваются наши клиенты; с другой стороны, они собирают отзывы и рекомендации по улучшению от наших клиентов, чтобы правильно ориентировать наши разработки и исследования.

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